Z for Lifenet4Families

I’m Z Kamphuis and am here to help raise money to battle hunger in our community. More than 260,000 people in Broward County do not know where their next meal will come from. These people, many of them children, go to bed hungry every night. They need our help.

0.00% Raised
$0.00 donated of $2,500.00 goal
0 Donors
81 Days Left

LifeNet4Families has battled hunger and served the homeless and needy of Broward County for more than 30 years. In addition to its goal of ending hunger, LifeNet4Families also works to help clients regain or maintain stability by providing them with access to on-site shower facilities, clothing, counseling, referrals, job readiness preparation, emergency financial assistance, mailing address usage, mail retrieval services, and much more.